Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Guitar Hero/ Rock Band

I own both Guitar Hero, and Rock Band. ( And Heroin Hero. You never catch the dragon.) And what ive realized is that while im playing those games Im covered in a temporary false sense of reality, that I can play those instruments as good or better than the best. I AM better than Eddy VanHalen, Jimmi Hendrix... And the Famous Drummers...

As fun as they are, and as much as I play them if I pick up a real guitar it sounds like a handless lemur holding a crappy jam session with his garage band.

Even the microphone on rock band creates an illusion that I can sing, Even though I know full well that I cant. and even though me rhythm has improved since ive played Rock Band drums, if you give me a real bass, snare, symbol, and cowbell and tell me to go to town it's going to sound just like my toy drumset I had when i was 4. ( Thanks Aunt Bonnie!)

Im not the only person with this problem. It's temporarilly satisfiying to hear those video crowds screaming for me. But then I see a high scores screen and sadly I realize that I truely have no musical talent.

Captain America is pretty much the most awesome Superhero ever. And I still dont understand why Hulk, Wolverine, and Hellboy are getting movies before him. Where has America's Patriotism gone? Where is the Star Spangled Avenger's movie? =(,,,,,, Those are tears Marvel Studios. Tears from a devote fan.