Monday, April 13, 2009
My Dillema...
Ive heard good things happen to those who wait. So Ive waited and waited. Finally about a month ago something good has happened. Really good. I met a person who is a great friend, has alot in common with me, shares my beliefs, struggles, pain, and happiness. Makes me smile, and truely makes me happy. And makes me want to make her happy too. Yet Ive never seen her face to face. This brings into question: "can you really care about somebody you know so much about, have so much in common but have never actually seen in person?" now if you're a follower of Christ obviously your answer to this straight question is yes. Or else you have no belife. Thats Jesus though. He's God. The person im talking about isnt... The question, and dillema in my mind is: When God answers prayer, and reveals somebody so perfect for you. But presents major obstacles what do you do? Its not all about me, its about both people. But do you take it step by step? do you pursue and trust the unknown and potentially dangerous, trying to overcome the obstacles and rise above, hoping and praying for happiness? Do you trust the path that seems to be set before you, waiting for the opprotunities and following them? Or do you try to forget about it? Try to keep moving? I've tried to forget, and it doesnt work. Ive tried to keep moving and I cant. maybe that means something's there, or maybe it means that im crazy. I honestly dont know. What I do know however is even though Im confused as to what to do. And uncertain as to what will come. I know that ive been through alot of crap the last year, and those were trials put into my life to help me grow as a person. And I did. Everybody has to go through storm before the blue skies come back, and in this time of new life, and resurrection the clouds seem to have lifted and a new day has been revealed. It cant be bad. Too much of that has already happened. So I'll have to sit patiently and keep waiting. What do You think? what would you do if my dillema were yours?
Monday, March 2, 2009
First Blog of March!
So this is March. Irish appreciation month. But surprisingly thats not what im blogging about. Im blogging about how great it is to live in a modern age. To be able to have friends that you see only a few times every couple years but still be able to talk to them, To know people on the other side of the planet and carry on a conversation, To be able get to know someone better that you've never met. To be able to watch T.V or movies at the click of a mouse, and to be able to get information at a whim. Technology. Its amazing. And kinda scary. But awesome at the same time. Kinda like time traveling. Which hasnt happened yet, but you just wait...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Good Christian Bad Christian: DJ Jacobson Remix
So I wrote this post last year when I had a scholarship paper that required me to write about "How good of a Christian" I was. This moderately offended me...Only slighty. So I blogged about what I wanted my paper to say.. What I wanted. Not what I gave them. I figured it would have offended the board. But now looking back I ask: "WWJD?" and I think: "Yeah, I should've elaborated this blogpost and turned it in." Anyway. Here's the original post of if I think there's such a thing as "Good Christians" and "Bad Christians"
Christianity is a religion claimed by alot of people. It's foundational belifes are that there is one supreme God that created the entire universe from nothing, created humans, and instigated a perfect relationship with them. We broke the bounderies of that relationship and screwed it up hardcore. So God came down to the planet earth He created, as a human named : Jesus. Jesus was completely human, and also completely God. (Which is difficult to wrap your head around, but its true.) Jesus was on earth to display what that original relationship between God and man was all about. And to make it possible for humans to have that relationship with God again. Jesus did this by living a perfect life and dieing as an innocent man. He then rose himself from the dead and returned to the heavens. Now, Christians are people who are supposed to belive all these things. And Do things the way Jesus did. The problem is some people get thier "Golden Tickets" to Heaven and think that they're set for eternity. They say "Jesus has forgivin me of my sins, now I can tell you how much of a jerk you are and how you need to fix yourself." Two letters: NO. This is wrong. In order to do what Jesus wanted you to do you have to re- instigate that relationship with God. You can do this through prayer, ( having a coversation with God one on one. Not thanking him for your day, and foods. Then forgeting Him. remember, God's real, and made us like Him, And He likes to be treated like anyone else would.) you can also do this by showing the love of someone who's willing to unselfishly sacrifice his life to further someone elses, By not hating people, by not judging. ( What right do you have to tell people they're wrong. "Let He who is without sin throw the first stone." Sound familiar?) by showing support for your neighbors, ( expecially fellow belivers in Christ.) These are just some ways to be a Follower of Christ and not a Poser of Religion. Examine yourself before you examine others, get the stick out of your eye before you try to get the sliver out of your friends. So are there "Good Christians" and "Bad Christians". No. There are People who honestly pursue God like He pursues you. And there are those who go to Hell. I look at myself. Have you looked at yourself? What do you see, and how can you improve?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Realitivity of Reincarnation.
Ive been told about 2 differnt forms of reincarnation. One is that once you die your spirit/soul/essence finds new birth in a new host animal, insect, human, or plant of some type. Another is you die and your afterlife is you as another human. No animals involved. I thought- which is scary when it happens. "What if-" What if being "Reincarnated" when you die really means not to be physically reborn but to pass on your essence to children. Now im not trying to be New Age, when I say "essence" I mean all your personal thoughts and philosophies, all your experiences and how you deal with them, that kind of thing. Think about where you've learned everything in your life. It's usually from realitives, close friends, parents, mostly all people from generations ahead of you. On some chances we do learn things from children and people younger than us, but most of the time experiences come from people older than us. What if reincarnation was merely just experiencing the life of others and assimilating them into your life and your experiences. In a way your father and your mother are/have put their lives into you. You share memories with them, experiences with them. And when those people have died or left your life they live on inside of you, and when you have children the influences of you, and your parents will go into them as will the influences of your grandparents and so on. Each generation has the life of past generations in it. So people never die. They are constantly reincarnated and reborn. Not physically, but generationally.
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