Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Good Christian vs. Bad Christian
Christianity is a religion claimed by alot of people. It's foundational belifes are that there is one supreme God that created the entire universe from nothing, created humans, and instigated a perfect relationship with them. We broke the bounderies of that relationship and screwed it up hardcore. So God came down to the planet earth He created, as a human named : Jesus. Jesus was completely human, and also completely God. (Which is difficult to wrap your head around, but its true.) Jesus was on earth to display what that original relationship between God and man was all about. And to make it possible for humans to have that relationship with God again. Jesus did this by living a perfect life and dieing as an innocent man. He then rose himself from the dead and returned to the heavens. Now, Christians are people who are supposed to belive all these things. And Do things the way Jesus did. The problem is some people get thier "Golden Tickets" to Heaven and think that they're set for eternity. They say "Jesus has forgivin me of my sins, now I can tell you how much of a jerk you are and how you need to fix yourself." Two letters: NO. This is wrong. In order to do what Jesus wanted you to do you have to re- instigate that relationship with God. You can do this through prayer, ( having a coversation with God one on one. Not thanking him for your day, and foods. Then forgeting Him. remember, God's real, and made us like Him, And He likes to be treated like anyone else would.) you can also do this by showing the love of someone who's willing to unselfishly sacrifice his life to further someone elses, By not hating people, by not judging. ( What right do you have to tell people they're wrong. "Let He who is without sin throw the first stone." Sound familiar?) by showing support for your neighbors, ( expecially fellow belivers in Christ.) These are just some ways to be a Follower of Christ and not a Poser of Religion. Examine yourself before you examine others, get the stick out of your eye before you try to get the sliver out of your friends. So are there "Good Christians" and "Bad Christians". No. There are People who honestly pursue God like He pursues you. And there are those who go to Hell. I look at myself. Have you looked at yourself? What do you see, and how can you improve?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Nintendo Wii

Wii's are the japanese people's gift to mankind, I havent met a single person who has played a Wii and hated it with a burning passion that is equaled only by the fires of Hell. I mean c'mon. You get to make a little person ansd use it in a video game, and it's physical. Well, interactive. The Wii sport "boxing" makes you work up a real sweat. (even though it in NO way improves your form. lol.) And with all the play on words for "Wii" it makes possibilities for endless puns and urine related jokes. Face it. The Nintendo Wii is one of the most original and different systems to come out in the last 20 years. And its really fun
Friday, February 22, 2008
Information Age

Ahh, The Internet. It's a beautiful thing. But for me it's a love/hate relationship. On one hand I love all the entertainment, information, and feelings like im in a SciFi show the World Wide Web gives me. But The net has also taken friends in my hometown away from me. And now they spend more time with people they've never met on the otherside of the country then they do with thier neighbor. And Ive discovered it's not just my friend, but an entire sub-culture of people that have lost contact with their own reality and have planted themselves into a digital world without any physicality whatsoever. Whether it be through chatrooms, forums, webcams, blogs, or MMORPG's some people have become addicts to the drug that is the internet, and have ended up like the kid in the picture above. What are some of your thoughts on this phenomenon?
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