Wii's are the japanese people's gift to mankind, I havent met a single person who has played a Wii and hated it with a burning passion that is equaled only by the fires of Hell. I mean c'mon. You get to make a little person ansd use it in a video game, and it's physical. Well, interactive. The Wii sport "boxing" makes you work up a real sweat. (even though it in NO way improves your form. lol.) And with all the play on words for "Wii" it makes possibilities for endless puns and urine related jokes. Face it. The Nintendo Wii is one of the most original and different systems to come out in the last 20 years. And its really fun
Is anyone arguing with you or is this another stab at this girl who "hurt your feelings"?
No. Im just saying how cool the wii is. lol
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