Ahh, The Internet. It's a beautiful thing. But for me it's a love/hate relationship. On one hand I love all the entertainment, information, and feelings like im in a SciFi show the World Wide Web gives me. But The net has also taken friends in my hometown away from me. And now they spend more time with people they've never met on the otherside of the country then they do with thier neighbor. And Ive discovered it's not just my friend, but an entire sub-culture of people that have lost contact with their own reality and have planted themselves into a digital world without any physicality whatsoever. Whether it be through chatrooms, forums, webcams, blogs, or MMORPG's some people have become addicts to the drug that is the internet, and have ended up like the kid in the picture above. What are some of your thoughts on this phenomenon?
on thursday someone told me for recreation they play WoW. I almost laughed out loud. For recreation they move their fingers on a keyboard and move a mouse around.
No wonder the person was in such good shape.
Yeah, Sadly I play City of Heroes. But no more than 3-4 hours a weekend. and I havent played it in like a month. I mean, they're fun. But they can take your life away faster than parachute pants.
I'm pretty sure that guy has a lot of girlfriends.
And since when do you have a blog?
I just made it like 3 days ago.
I'm addicted and I love it!!!!!!
It seems you have become quite the scholar. I agree, I've researched this stuff and our culture is losing contact with reality by the day.
I wouldn't be quick to judge someone who's fun involves games(not saying you have, but some of the people here have) I personally am not a fanatic but I play a good share of games and have a great girlfriend and friends.
Also, it would be very ignorant to assume a gamer is any different from the people who are obsessed with Halo among other things. It's all idiotic obsessions and vices we all have.
And don't be quick to defend your love for City of Heroes/Villains. Comics heroes have been a think we have loved since we were kids.
Everyone has their likes and dislikes and it isn't necessary to back that up. I once again recall all the clones who play Halo/Guitar Hero.
Thanks for the comment michael. I like playing games too. But I dislike it when people disconnect themselves from reality. Thats what I was trying to get through. Games are a great way to relax, blow off some steam, and entertain. But I in no means agree in submersing yourself in the digital world so much that you lose who you really are. And become you're avatar or treat your neighbors like crap and your online contacts like gods. Thats just plain stupid.
The thing that I primarily find funny about this is how many people do you really know who are like this? Even most of the Fantasy Knights crowd isn't like this.
And when people reading this are basing their entire opinion off of how in shape people are, doesn't that get just a wee little bit shallow? Doesn't that almost sound worse than someone who is enjoying their life?
Not everyone has the opportunity to get out there any make friends because the fact of the matter that is America(and I've seen it plenty here in Albany) is a bunch of elitists who think that their way of living is the prim and proper one.
Sure, getting exercise is better than not getting exercise. Sure, having a girlfriend is better than not having one(sometimes). But we can't base all our opinions on how people look or their hobbies.
If someone is enjoying their life, then let them. I'm more worried about the people who care so much about a world they aren't involved in that they can come down on a gamer because he simply enjoys what he does.
I mean, I know more than a handful of people who alienate their friends because of their hobbies, even if they think those hobbies might be future careers.
You wouldn't want anyone to come down on your because you live karate 24/7 and you basically have no definition between the real world and your Halo/Guitar Hero/Karate world, would you?
Im not coming down on anyone. It's just one person I knew that was like this and she hurt me.
I wrote this in reponse to her and how she totally ditched her friends here for people she's never met in another country or state, I wasnt trying to slam anyone. I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this too.
Everyone has an experience where someone leaves them for someone stupid or for a reason that didn't make sense. Just be glad that all you had to worry about was somebody a million miles away on a computer and not someone in your town.
You don't even have a grasp on how complex your life is going to get in the next few years.
I know you weren't coming down on anyone, but if you're going to target one specific audience(i.e. this girl) then write to them and don't generalize.
Im over it now dude. But thanks for the advice.
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